Saturday 3 July 2010

There's a first time for everything...

I can't say that I haven't had a productive day today- I drove the lawn mower for the first time, I made butterfly cakes on my own for the first time, I went swimming without an adult in a public bath for the first time and I also made my own nightie for the first time! As this is my first time blogging- I just want to start by saying a little bit about myself, so, here goes;

I am fourteen years old, born on February 2nd 1996 and I have a big Family, a brother called William who is 12 and very infuriating, a 4 year old sister called Florence who I love to pieces, A 17 year old sister called Emily, Emily's boyfriend Ryan who is like my brother, a 19 year old sister called Bethany and another brother called Nathaniel who is 15. My daddy is called Ashley and if I could ever be half as clever as him I'd be the next einstein, My step-parents are Cherie and Len and My Mummy is called Janine- my role model in life and the only person who seems to do everything right.

I am a Buddhist, Vegetarian, Antivivisectionist (against animal testing) and a VERY strong character. I'm an outdoor, country type of girl and I love being outside with no make-up or hair product on as the earth doesn't judge you :) I'm young and eager to get out and live my life but I appreciate I have ALOT to learn. I am HUGE cat fan <3 but I do love all other creatures of the earth and I am a bright, bubbly person who is always up for a laugh and a joke :P xx

I am also running short of time as it's 11:30 pm and i have to go to my dads tomorrow- divorced parents :( so I'm gonna have to say goodniht for now x

Nighty Night world, Sleep well :)
Mimi xxx

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